What Makes You Tick?

I believe everyone is special. If you are reading this and you don't
feel you are special, or you haven't realised your gifts or interests or talents, don't despair, you are special. Self-awareness they say, is the key to self-actualization, you have to find what makes you tick, what stirs you up from sleep every morning that makes you want to look forward to a brand new day. Find it, nurture it, and let it blossom. There's a saying that goes thus,"There's a difference between like and love, when you like a flower, you pluck it. On the other hand, when you love a flower, you nurture it and let it blossom."

The same goes for relationships, I do have some insight on that subject matter although I'm not a relationship expert and I won't even pretend to be one, but, I'm curious as to what attracts different people to each other. Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you believe that everyone has one soulmate assigned to them, and if you lose that person, you have lost out? What makes you tick or attracts you to a person, physical or personality traits? I'd love to know your views!

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